Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finding my Inner Powerlifter

We all have our favorite exercises. A few of my favorites are front squat push press combo, dumbell or barbell push presses, and any pulling exercises. I'm finding over time that I like explosive powerlifter type exercises because they are challenging and recruit alot of muscles in the body to perform so they are super calorie burning.

Am I concerned that I'm going to look like one of those strongmen on ESPN? Not in the least. I don't have the hormones nor am I eating in excess so not a concern for me. My only problem with learning these types of exercises is correct form. It took me a while to do a front squat push press correctly!

Going forward I am going to try a new exercise every few weeks to learn proper form. Hopefully they'll make their way into my workouts and maybe I'll have a new favorite. This is me stepping out of my box. We should all do it once in a while!

What are you doing to step out of your box?

Please leave a comment if you have an exercise suggestion for me. I'd love to hear!


  1. Sandbags would be a great step out of the box, don't you think? I keep meaning to get one, but just haven't yet. I think the learning curve would be short but the exercises would still challenge you in a new way!

    For me the step out of the box is the kettlebells. My comfort level is with dumbbells and barbells (at least right now.) It is definitely fun and worthwhile to keeping learning new ways to build strength and challenge your muscles. Keep at it!

  2. How do you get a sandbag and what do with it? LOL I am afraid I could really hurt myself with kettlebells. Not ready for that yet. Maybe one day soon :).

  3. Don't you just LOOOOOVE to lift heavy?!? I do...I like to feel strong! It's awesome!

    Nice job on your choice of exercises...I agree. I enjoy lifting back and legs too. Walking lunges and bench step ups are my fav. LOVE THEM.
