Monday, April 27, 2009

Tips for Starting a Fitness Program

Like many of you, I have started (and stopped) so many different fitness programs and eating plans. I have to admit, I am a recovering diet book junkie. Starting a fitness program can be tough but it doesn't take long for it to become a habit. Make fitness a prioirity in your life and you will be happier and live longer because of it. Here are some of my tips for starting and sticking with a fitness program:
  • Goals - Pick a goal and follow a path to obtain those goals. Fat loss, building strength, being able to do pull ups, running a 7 minute mile. Once you achieve that goal, pick a new one. Constantly challenge yourself.

  • Be consistent - How can you judge what is working for you if you haven't given it enough time? Give it at least a month and make changes where needed. Usually the changes have to come from your diet or intensity of exercise.

  • Motivation - Find something that will help keep you motivated. Whether it be looking great for an upcoming event or vacation, some great music to get that cardio in, a picture of what you'd love to look like, or another person's blog to inspire you (hint, hint).

  • Accountability - Whether this be to a friend, a family member, or the public. You are more likely to follow through if you put your goals out there and are expected to follow through.

  • Measure your progress - I would suggest measurements and pictures. Don't obsess about a certain weight or clothing size. It's just not as important!

  • Mindful exercise - Focus on the task at hand. Don't think about all the things you have to do when you are done and please don't read a magazine while doing cardio. Exercise time is not a time for multi-tasking. Taking an hour to yourself without multi-tasking is not a terrible thing. I don't even take my cell phone in the gym with me.

  • Realize that exercise is hard work - You will sweat and you will be out of breath. If it was easy everyone would look fabulous. I remember starting out and being amazed that I am a person that sweats profusely and my face turns purple when I'm out of breath. This has not changed at all over time! Get over it! Bring a towel and some water and get it done.

  • Forgive any slip ups - I'm as dedicated as they come but from time to time you just have to put that workout on the back burner or you ate a piece of cake and you're feeling guilty. You are not perfect. Forgive yourself, let it go, and move on! Don't obsess over it and don't let it turn into a bad day, week, month, or year.

  • Positive thoughts - Always think positively and surround yourself with people that are going to support your goals. What you put out will come back to you so put forth some positive energy and you will attract people with the same!

  • Self sabotage - Be aware of self sabotaging thoughts. We all have these thoughts. Well I'm too tired I'm not going to workout. If you say you're tired 10 times in a day you REALLY start to feel that way. Try it one day and see what I mean. Instead, say you are tired but you'll catch up on sleep the next night and then just let it go. Don't think about it again.

  • Visualization - This really does work. Imagine yourself running that race, imagine the muscles being used for those lunges, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing the image you are visualizing!

  • Don't be a Monday starter - I know you've heard this before or are guilty of it yourself. I'm going to start eating right and exercising on Monday. Until then I'll just eat this cheesesteak and drink a ton of beer. What is wrong with all the other days of the week? There is no time like the present!

And with that, carpe diem or seize the day my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Nice list. I think I may need to work more on the "mindful exercise"! I love to listen to either motivational, nutritional or fitness podcasts while lifting! Is the fact that I cannot commit to it a sign of addiction?? Yeowzy! :)
