Monday, June 8, 2009

Workout and Meals 6/8/09

It's Monday again and one of my favorite workout days. I love spinning even at 5:45 am.

Here's how the day went:

a.m. - workout - 45 min spin class
1. on the way home from the gym - syntrax nectar protein drink
after shower - lots-o-vegetable green drink, a tablespoon flax oil, green tea

2. 1 cup strawberry kefir w/scoop Miracle Reds powder, serving of True North pecan, almond, peanut crunch

3. leftover chili (I make alot of it), 1/4 cup brown rice, a pear, green tea

4. raw organic cauliflower, broccoli, & sugar snap peas w/3 tablespoons hummus

5. dark meat chicken (not sure how much), 1/4 cup brown rice, roasted asparagus, green tea

6. cottage cheese snack pack, 4 sliced strawberries, nut and seed crunch bar

I realized last night that I made an error in yesterday's workout. I was supposed to be doing 2 set of 12 for the exercises and I did 2 sets of 15 again. It's spelled out in a book and I managed to mess it up! Anyway, going to fix that for tomorrow morning's workout. Notebook, iPod, and Gymboss standing by.


  1. Big kudos to you for getting up and out for a pre-dawn spin class! Yikes. Way to go, Julie!

    Even though I know you're trying to adhere to A. Cosgrove's wave protocol with the reps/sets, there's no harm no foul if you do 15 reps instead of 12 reps...probably the same difference as if you upped the load for 12 reps.

    [The more I follow your blog, the more I want to run more. Must be some subliminal billboard type "thingy" staring at me while I'm here....hmmmm.]

    Keep up the great work, J!


  2. Thanks for commenting Fred! You do what you have to do to fit it the workout right? LOL I've gotten use to morning exercise even though it's not my first choice. I like early afternoon better.

    I'm all for adding in some running! Do it! I find twice a week of running is perfect for me. Just enough to be effective and keep up cardiovascular fitness yet not frequent enough that I dread doing it.
